Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A suitable groom!

After a long long time I met my oldest friend. There is a thing about this girl and that is I can confide completely in her. We have been friends for 6 whole years now and she probably is the only person who knows me cell by cell. So it obviously was a bliss meeting her!

She and I every time we spoke, it was a about each other's problems or just rants about issues. So when she showed up all of a sudden I was more than sure that something is cooking in her life which she is not very comfortable about. After a long lengthy conversation she asked me if her present guy is appropriate for me, you know for future, It was strange because we haven't spoken about anything like that before. Then she told me that after may be 3 years her mom is planning to get her married. I was flabbergasted initially. I have known this girl since childhood and where did all this marriage come from? On asking further, she made it very clear to me that she will not be marrying her current boy friend because he is not an appropriate match, according to her family and she wants someone "well" settled.

I don't really understand the whole concept of a suitable groom. According to me, marriage is a commitment you give to your partner with whom you are in love. Our thoughts have always matched, we have had a similar point of view. So this sudden conviction startled me. I obviously don't blame her. It is her own choice of selecting life. But my parents expect the same thinking to somehow generate into me.

I am a free thinking and presently dependent on my family. So I cannot argue much. But I shall never get married too someone just because he is well settled. Talking about financial security, as a matter of fact I know it is very important. If I were a parent, I would tell my daughter to make herself so much capable to not be dependent on her "well" settled groom. This whole idea of enduring a stranger for having a secure future sickens me. How can people dispose themselves without love?

Anyway, this whole conversation reminded me of the scene in the book "Pride and prejudice" where Lissy's friend tells her about her engagement. Well, in that case I can only hope for my Darcy to come up, even with his little fortune would do! ;)

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