Thursday, January 1, 2015


At times in my life I feel so bad, so lost, so cold and so dead. I see nothing other than sadness and hopeless desolation every where I turn. Is this bad? It is worse. When my face flusters in rage and eyes singing its own elegy and when mind refuses to think but mouth vomits everything necessary and unnecessary, that is when I realise my life begins. Amidst all this confused and mixed feelings I find myself fit in quietly.

So this happens to me more than often and obviously I hate the feeling. Initially I thought it is just one another mood swing and will pass with time. But it did not pass It clung to me, like a new born. Every day I wake up with this hopelessness. I hate this fluctuating mood sets. When nothing is predictable and permanent in life, I think I have the liberty to expect stability from my mood.

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